Building momentum for a sustainable future
14 June 2024
The 2024 NABERS + CBD Conference is a must-attend event that brings together sustainability champions from government and industry. By showcasing the latest government programs and trends in the built environment, the conference will inspire attendees to take urgent action towards a more sustainable future.
With over 500 people participating in this year’s NABERS + CBD Conference, this event is your opportunity to network with industry leaders and your peers.
This year's event theme is ‘Building Momentum for a Sustainable Future’ and will cover critical topics for industry including electrification, embodied carbon, circular economy, and sustainable finance.
At this year’s NABERS + CBD Conference we celebrate 25 years of NABERS by coming together to explore how we can reach a more sustainable future.
Carlos Flores
Carlos is the Director of the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS), responsible for all aspects of its delivery across Australia.
NABERS is one of Australia’s largest, longest-running and most successful government sustainability initiatives, and has been key to helping Australian companies lead all major building sustainability rankings in the past decade.
Carlos is a Mechanical Engineer by trade, and a regular speaker at conferences in Australia and overseas.
Assigned sessions
Building Momentum for the next 25 years!
The opening plenary panel will set the scene on how we can build momentum for the next 25 years, covering energy efficiency, electrification, embodied carbon and the impact of the built environment on nature.
9:55 AM - 10:40 AM
11.10 AM - 11.28 AM
Proposed changes to the next edition of the National Construction Code
This session offers an overview of proposed changes to the next edition of the National Construction Code. The National Construction Code sets the minimum required level for the safety, health, amenity, accessibility and sustainability of buildings. Between 1 May and 1 July, the Australian Building Codes Board will be seeking public comments on the proposed changes. The proposed changes include an increase in the stringency of Section J, which deals with energy efficiency.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Let Me Sum Up
A live recording of the Let Me Sum Up podcast, wrapping up the key takeaways from the NABERS + CBD Conference.
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Lucinda Hartley
Master of Ceremonies
As an urban futurist, Lucinda advises government, business, and technology leaders on innovation strategies for smart cities. She has worked with Google, UN-Habitat, Planning Ministers, MPs and major Property Developers to shape some of the world’s most significant urban renewal projects.
Lucinda is a Co-Founder of Neighbourlytics, a social analytics platform for neighbourhoods. Neighbourlytics’ proprietary technology taps into the digital footprint of a neighbourhood to understand its lifestyle and well-being. Neighbourlytics has scaled rapidly across 2000 neighbourhoods in 12 countries. Neighbourlytics was named as one of 20 Start-ups to Watch by Smart Company, and listed in the Deloitte Fast 50.
Lucinda is a regular media commentator and one of Australia’s sought-after voices on cities and social change. She has been featured regularly in the ABC, Sydney Morning Herald, Qantas Magazine, Vogue Magazine and The Age where she was named one of Melbourne’s Top 100 Most influential people.
Master of ceremonies
Luke Menzel
Chief Executive Officer, Energy Efficiency Council
Luke Menzel is CEO at the Energy Efficiency Council, the peak body for Australia's energy efficiency, energy management and demand response industry. The Council’s mission is to make sensible, cost effective demand side measures standard practice across the Australian economy.
Luke is Vice-President of the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council and Co-chair of the Australia-Germany Energy Efficiency Sub-Working Group. He sits on the NABERS National Steering Committee, the Queensland Government's Ministerial Energy Council, and the Victorian Government's Clean Economy Skills and Jobs Task Force.
Assigned session
Building Momentum for the next 25 years!
The opening plenary panel will set the scene on how we can build momentum for the next 25 years, covering energy efficiency, electrification, embodied carbon and the impact of the built environment on nature.
9:55 AM - 10:40 AM
Let Me Sum Up
A live recording of the Let Me Sum Up podcast, wrapping up the key takeaways from the NABERS + CBD Conference.
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Alison Scotland
Executive Director, Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council
Alison serves as the Executive Director of the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC), a coalition of leading organisations dedicated to advancing the vision of more sustainable, productive, and resilient buildings, communities, and cities.
Alison’s professional zeal and expertise revolve around fostering collaborations with industry, government, and third-sector leaders to craft national policies and technical innovations that elevate the quality of the built environment. Under her leadership, ASBEC continues to champion the cause of sustainability and resilience across Australia’s built landscape.
Assigned session
Building for tomorrow - reducing embodied carbon today
Embodied carbon is the future of sustainable building. Uncover the latest insights, trends, and strategies shaping the future of embodied carbon and delve into the realm of low-carbon building design
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM
Senator the Hon Jenny McAllister
Assistant Minister Climate Change and Energy
Parliament of Australia
Senator the Hon Jenny McAllister is Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy. She is also a Senator for NSW.
Jenny McAllister was born in Murwillumbah and grew up on the north coast of NSW. She attended the University of Queensland and the University of Sydney. Jenny is married to NSW MLC John Graham and they have 2 children.
Jenny’s professional career spans both senior roles in the public and private sectors, with a strong focus on infrastructure, environment management and climate change. Before joining the Australian Senate she held various senior roles at AECOM, a global infrastructure firm.
Climate change and environmental management remain key areas of interest for Jenny. She was co-founder of the Labor Environmental Activist Network (known as LEAN) with Kristina Keneally. Jenny was sworn into the Senate in 2015 to fill a casual vacancy and was re-elected in 2016 and again for the 2022-2028 term at the 2022 federal election.
Jenny is passionate about managing the economy to achieve social justice and social inclusion, and better outcomes for climate and sustainability. Her interests include gender equality and new opportunities for community participation in politics.
Assigned session
Ministerial address.
9:40 AM - 9:48 AM
Sara Levett
Acting Head of Market Transformation, NABERS
Sara Levett is a specialist Sector Lead at NABERS working with our stakeholders to make sure NABERS meets their needs and delivers them value.
She has managed technical changes to the Hotel rating tool and now focuses on doing this with the waste rating tool.
Sara has over 12 years commercially grounded experience working on sustainability strategy and implementation with major property and retail brands across a range of sectors.
Sara has a Master of Environmental Management.
Assigned session
Is the circular economy coming full circle?
Will regulation or innovation lead us to the full circle outcome? This session examines the progress made and the challenges ahead for the circular economy, led by change agents from across Australia, NZ and the Netherlands.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
James Elks
Head of Product Development, NABERS
James, as the Head of Product Development at NABERS, leads a dynamic team of designers and developers. Their mission is to pave new pathways and enhance existing ones, to ensure that NABERS continues to make a positive impact on buildings.
In 2024 James and his team will launch new tools tailored for schools and retail stores. And launch a tool to measure and compare embodied carbon in buildings. These initiatives reflects NABERS’ commitment to addressing environmental challenges across the built environment.
James brings a background in information technology, design and marine science to his work at NABERS.
Assigned session
Building for tomorrow - reducing embodied carbon today
Embodied carbon is the future of sustainable building. Uncover the latest insights, trends, and strategies shaping the future of embodied carbon and delve into the realm of low-carbon building design.
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM
Jorge Chapa
Chief Impact Officer, Green Building Council Australia
As the Chief Impact Officer at GBCA, Jorge ensures GBCA’s strategic priorities, partnerships, products and services, including Green Star, accelerate the transformation of Australia’s built environment – delivering healthier, more resilient, and positive places for people and nature.
He chairs WorldGBC’s Global Commitment for Net Zero Carbon Buildings Taskforce and WorldGBC’s ESG working group. He is a member of Climate Bond Initiative’s Low Carbon Buildings Technical Working Group, GRESB’s Real Estate Standards Committee, Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor’s Global Industry Committee, and part of Science Based Target Initiatives Buildings Technical Expert Group. He is also a Board Director at GreenFleet.
Assigned session
Building for tomorrow - reducing embodied carbon today
Embodied carbon is the future of sustainable building. Uncover the latest insights, trends, and strategies shaping the future of embodied carbon and delve into the realm of low-carbon building design.
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM
Davina Rooney
Chief Executive Officer, Green Building Council Australia
A property professional with a passion for sustainability, Davina has led the Green Building Council of Australia since 2019. As a qualified engineer, Davina worked on large-scale construction projects in Sydney and London, and spent nearly a year building an award-winning school in the Himalayas.
She devoted a decade to driving sustainability at one of Australia’s largest diversified property companies, Stockland, which culminated in Stockland’s recognition as the world’s most sustainable property company. Davina is on the Board of Evolve Housing and the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council, as well as Chairing the Sustainable Procurement Roundtable for the Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre.
Assigned session
Building Momentum for the next 25 years!
The opening plenary panel will set the scene on how we can build momentum for the next 25 years, covering energy efficiency, electrification, embodied carbon and the impact of the built environment on nature.
9:55 AM - 10:40 AM
Matt De Remer
Head of Treasury, CBUS Property
Matt De Remer has more than 10 years’ experience across roles in banking and finance law, institutional banking and corporate treasury. His experience includes market-leading loan and capital markets transactions in multiple industries, including funds and property.
As Head of Treasury at Cbus Property, Matt leads Cbus Property’s debt capital management strategy, with a significant focus on continuing to develop Cbus Property’s sustainable finance portfolio. Matt is also a member of the Property Council of Australia Debt Markets Committee.
Matt is admitted as a lawyer in Victoria and holds a Bachelor of Property & Construction and a Bachelor of Laws.
Assigned session
NABERS Powering Sustainable Finance - money makers the world go green
How is sustainable finance powering our transition to net zero? Hear from a panel of experts as they deep dive into the world of sustainable finance, taxonomies, reporting, the impact it's making and what that means for you.
11:45 AM - 12:40 PM
Melinda Dewsnap
Manager, Sustainability Programs, City of Sydney
Melinda Dewsnap is the Manager, Sustainability Programs at the City of Sydney where she leads a team delivering partnerships, programs, grants and advocacy to improve the environmental performance of residential strata, commercial and tourism sectors working toward net zero by 2035. Mel works across community, government and industry to accelerate action toward net-zero, resilient buildings. She is passionate about leveraging city leadership to drive and connect national and global action to address the climate emergency and create an inclusive sustainable future.
Assigned session
Key policies that are unlocking the door to net zero
This session explores the various policy levers at different levels of government that are driving sustainable outcomes in our built environment.
11:45 AM - 12:40 PM
Melissa Neighbour
Urban Planner, Sky Planning
Assigned session
Keynote Speaker
3:50 PM - 4:30 PM
Annabel McFarlane
Head of Strategic Research, Australia, JLL
With over 20 years of experience, Annabel is an accomplished professional in the property industry, currently serving as the Head of Strategic Research for JLL in Australia. Leading a team top-performing researchers, Annabel produces innovative thought leadership on investor trends, sustainability in property markets, city growth, office precincts, the industrial sector, and land supply. She has published several research papers on these subjects and has also managed JLL's award-winning national 3D mapping project, showcasing Australia's cities in a digital interactive GIS model.
She joined JLL’s VIC leadership executive in 2020 and is currently Co-Chair of the Property Council of Australia’s – National Cities roundtable. Aside from her research and leadership roles, Annabel is highly regarded in the commercial property industry. She is frequently quoted in the media and regularly presents at industry conferences and events hosted by esteemed organisations such as the Committee for Melbourne, Australian Property Institute, and The Urban Developer as well as clients-hosted events. Additionally, she is involved with universities as a guest lecturer at The University of Melbourne and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT).
Her passions encompass urban logistics, land supply, future city growth, new industries, sustainability, GIS, 3D modelling, and the structural shifts impacting property sectors. With her dedication to pushing boundaries and driving innovation, Annabel continues to shape the future of the property industry.
Assigned session
All Electric Buildings
Get charged up about going all-electric! This session showcases practical examples of how buildings are making the switch and discusses the opportunities, challenges and insights on electrification.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Chloe Rose
Head of Communications,
Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO)
Chloe Rose serves as Head of Communication and Marketing on the executive team at the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO), a pivotal role in advancing sustainable packaging initiatives and circular economy practices across Australia.
At APCO, Chloe collaborates with government, industry, and the community to foster a systemic shift towards sustainable packaging solutions.
Chloe has extensive experience in consumer insights, waste education and behaviour change. Formerly at the City of Sydney, NABERS, and a part of Sydney's C40 Women4Climate program, Chloe's work in packaging circularity dovetails with shaping sustainable and resilient urban futures
Assigned session
Is the circular economy coming full circle?
Will regulation or innovation lead us to the full circle outcome? This session examines the progress made and the challenges ahead for the circular economy, led by change agents from across Australia, NZ and the Netherlands.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
David Atkins
General Manager Industrial Energy Efficiency, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Commonwealth
Assigned session
Commonwealth Update
11:28 AM - 11:43 AM
Anthony Lean
Secretary, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Anthony is a highly respected public sector leader with almost 20 years of senior executive experience across multiple portfolios. He has an exemplary track record of overseeing complex organisations and programs, setting strategic vision and delivering results.
Most recently, Anthony was the Deputy Chief Executive at The Law Society of NSW. He has an extensive career in leadership and legal positions within the NSW public sector, including at the Office of Environment and Heritage, State Insurance Regulatory Authority and the former NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. na Jacobs is an Executive Director in the Strategy Division at Infrastructure NSW, with extensive experience from across a range of infrastructure and economic policy roles. She leads Infrastructure NSW’s sustainability and resilience work programs, including the Decarbonising Infrastructure Delivery policy and measurement approach that focuses on reducing embodied emissions in infrastructure delivery. Dena has a background in economics, having previously worked at Deloitte, NSW Treasury, the Bank of England, and the Reserve Bank of Australia
Assigned session
NSW Government Representative Address
9:48 AM - 9:55 PM
Plenary Panel One: Building Momentum for the next 25 years!
The opening plenary panel will set the scene on how we can build momentum for the next 25 years, covering energy efficiency, electrification, embodied carbon and the impact of the built environment on nature.
9:55 AM - 10:40 AM
Diana Rica-Roa
ESG Plus
Diana is an ESG consultant with over 15 years of experience in the built environment.
Through ESG PLUS, the consultancy firm she founded in 2021, Diana helps her clients benchmark, improve and communicate their sustainability efforts and outcomes. For the past 4 years Diana has focused in the accommodation sector, while collaborating with government agencies and certification programs to better help them understand the unique challenges of this sector.
Diana is a prolific NABERS Assessor and serves as a Supervisor to the NABERS Program and as a Level 2 Auditor for the CBD Program and NABERS NZ.
Assigned session
Accelerating success - Measuring and managing for a sustainable future
Explore NABERS success stories from businesses of all sizes. Learn strategies for overcoming sustainability challenges in the built environment, uncover insights and inspiration, and takeaway tips for best practice.
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM
Erica Kenna
Assistant Manager, Policy and Analysis, Australian Building Codes Board
Assigned session
Proposed changes to the next edition of the National Construction Code
This session offers an overview of proposed changes to the next edition of the National Construction Code. The National Construction Code sets the minimum required level for the safety, health, amenity, accessibility and sustainability of buildings. Between 1 May and 1 July, the Australian Building Codes Board will be seeking public comments on the proposed changes. The proposed changes include an increase in the stringency of Section J, which deals with energy efficiency.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Frankie Muskovic
National Policy Manager,
Property Council of Australia
Assigned session
Building Momentum for the next 25 years!
The opening plenary panel will set the scene on how we can build momentum for the next 25 years, covering energy efficiency, electrification, embodied carbon and the impact of the built environment on nature.
9:55 AM - 10:40 AM
Ilse Kwaaitaal
Impact Hub Amsterdam
Ilse began her career as an energy consultant before moving into the development of growth programs for enterprises working to realise the UN SDGs, scouting the best innovations and supporting hundreds of midsize and large businesses to become more sustainable through innovation. Ilse studied Social Psychology and holds a Master degree in International Development.
Assigned session
Is the circular economy coming full circle?
Will regulation or innovation lead us to the full circle outcome? This session examines the progress made and the challenges ahead for the circular economy, led by change agents from across Australia, NZ and the Netherlands.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM"
Ivana Brown
Head of Operations and Standards,
Ivana is leading the development of a new framework to measure, verify and benchmark embodied emissions in buildings. Ivana’s expertise is bringing together policy objectives with industry needs to deliver action on climate change. As a champion for change, Ivana has over 16 years of experience across the areas of sustainable program development and delivery. This experience covers a range of sectors including working with public and private organisations, and across the property, construction and infrastructure sectors including NSW Government, Lendlease and WSP. Ivana holds a Bachelor of Photovoltaic Engineering from UNSW and is an alumnus from the Centre for Sustainability Leadership Fellowship Program.
Assigned session
Accelerating success - Measuring and managing for a sustainable future
Explore NABERS success stories from businesses of all sizes. Learn strategies for overcoming sustainability challenges in the built environment, uncover insights and inspiration, and takeaway tips for best practice.
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM
Jim Goddin
Head of Circular Economy,
Thinkstep ANZ
Jim specialises in circular economy systems design and has worked alongside the Ellen MacArthur Foundation for over a decade, leading and co-authoring the widely adopted Material Circularity Indicator methodology. He has worked extensively on developing eco-design tools and assessing business risks resulting from critical materials and hazardous substances legislation.
He is a Chartered Engineer and both a Fellow and a Strategic Advisor of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Jim has built and led numerous high-profile research and development programs, working collaboratively with many of the world’s largest technology brands in areas such as additive manufacturing, composites, advanced metallurgy and computational materials science.
Jim is a Chartered Environmentalist and developed his passion for sustainability at an early age due to the proximity of his school to what was then Europe’s largest experimental wind turbine.
Assigned session
Is the circular economy coming full circle?
Will regulation or innovation lead us to the full circle outcome? This session examines the progress made and the challenges ahead for the circular economy, led by change agents from across Australia, NZ and the Netherlands.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Jo-Ann Gamble
General Manager, Sustainability, Investment Management, LendLease
Jo-Ann Gamble is a sustainability professional with over 20 years' experience in the property industry.
As the General Manager, Sustainability for Lendlease’s Investment Management business in Australia she aims to make the world a better place by driving sustainability and innovation. She does this at all stages of the real estate asset, from concept through delivery to operations, leveraging Lendlease’s integrated model. Jo-Ann combines her strong interpersonal skills, with solid technical knowledge and construction experience to assist Lendlease with its Mission Zero to be a 1.5 degree aligned company. She leads a team who work across all of LL’s $29b of funds under management.
Jo-Ann has held roles a number of roles both in head office and on projects within Lendlease including Regional Sustainability Manager NSW/ACT and Sustainability Manager for the Darling Harbour Regeneration project. She has received industry recognition for her work as one of the Green Building Council of Australia’s inaugural Green Star Champions in 2020 and received the NSW National women in Construction award for contribution to sustainability in 2009 and 2017.Jo-Ann has a Bachelor degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Bachelor of Business, majoring in International Management, both from University of Technology, Sydney and I have official approval from Lendlease to speak at the NABERS conference, which is great. It would be great to get the speakers invite and have a discussion about the panel.
Assigned session
Accelerating success - Measuring and managing for a sustainable future
Explore NABERS success stories from businesses of all sizes. Learn strategies for overcoming sustainability challenges in the built environment, uncover insights and inspiration, and takeaway tips for best practice.
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM
Lisa McLean
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Circular Australia
Assigned session
Is the circular economy coming full circle?
Will regulation or innovation lead us to the full circle outcome? This session examines the progress made and the challenges ahead for the circular economy, led by change agents from across Australia, NZ and the Netherlands.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Magali Wardle
Head of Market Development,
Magali is the Head of Market Development at NABERS. She is a skilled professional with over 15 years of experience in Sustainability, Engineering, Project Management and Climate Change. Her work at NABERS is focused on building partnerships to influence the uptake of NABERS ratings. Her role covers a vast portfolio of project teams dedicated to supporting customers in their sustainability journey. This encompasses energy, water and waste efficiency as well as indoor environment quality across several different types of building asset types.
Magali looks after a number of net zero programs using the NABERS pathway that are aimed at streamlining access to public and private capital through avenues such as sustainable finance, green loans and energy savings certificates. She also oversees the support provided to building owners who want to design for performance and build better, more efficient assets for a more sustainable future.
Her commitment to the pursuit of knowledge means she holds two Master’s degrees, one in Chemical Engineering and one in Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems.
Assigned session
NABERS Powering Sustainable Finance - money makers the world go green
How is sustainable finance powering our transition to net zero? Hear from a panel of experts as they deep dive into the world of sustainable finance, taxonomies, reporting, the impact it's making and what that means for you.
11:45 AM - 12:40 PM
Mike Dodd
Assistant Manager, Energy Efficiency,
Australian Building Codes Board
Assigned session
Proposed changes to the next edition of the National Construction Code
This session offers an overview of proposed changes to the next edition of the National Construction Code. The National Construction Code sets the minimum required level for the safety, health, amenity, accessibility and sustainability of buildings. Between 1 May and 1 July, the Australian Building Codes Board will be seeking public comments on the proposed changes. The proposed changes include an increase in the stringency of Section J, which deals with energy efficiency.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Monique Alfris
Head of Market Transformation,
Assigned session
Key policies that are unlocking the door to net zero
This session explores the various policy levers at different levels of government that are driving sustainable outcomes in our built environment.
11:45 AM - 12:40 PM
Nathan Rosaguti
Manager, Sustainability Integration,
Nathan is the Sustainability Integration Manager at GPT, helping GPT to be an overall positive contributor to our communities, people and the environment.
Assigned session
All Electric Buildings
Get charged up about going all-electric! This session showcases practical examples of how buildings are making the switch and discusses the opportunities, challenges and insights on electrification.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Nicole Yazbek-Martin
Head of Taxonomy and Natural Capital, Australian Sustainable Finance Institute
Nicole is currently leading the development of the Australian Sustainable Finance Taxonomy working closely with government and regulators, to develop common definitions for sustainable economic activities and investments. Nicole also leads a body of work at ASFI with major finance sector entities to integrate nature considerations into financial capital allocation decisions. Nicole has a background in climate and sustainability in government, banking, private equity, and law. She has deep knowledge and experience working across the finance value chain on structuring sustainable products, assessing sustainable investment credentials and applying key sustainability monitoring frameworks, and has led the review of major climate policies including of the Emissions Reduction Fund, during her time in the public sector.
Nicole holds a Master of Laws in international trade and post-graduate qualifications in finance and economics.
Assigned session
NABERS Powering Sustainable Finance - money makers the world go green
How is sustainable finance powering our transition to net zero? Hear from a panel of experts as they deep dive into the world of sustainable finance, taxonomies, reporting, the impact it's making and what that means for you.
11:45 AM - 12:40 PM
Rory Martin
Vice President, Group Sustainability,
Frasers Property Group
Rory is a Vice President of Group Sustainability at Frasers Property and has over 15 years of industry experience across Europe, Asia, North America, and Australia. He holds qualifications in finance and investment, environmental design, and Architecture. Rory supports and advises Frasers Property and its subsidiaries on achieving their sustainability/ESG goals and targets, including setting, and implementing science-based emissions reduction targets, aligning with international frameworks and disclosure standards, and facilitating green finance transactions totalling over $3Bn to date. Rory is passionate about enabling resilient people, businesses, and communities that are better placed to navigate a changing world. He is an active participant and speaker in the industry, a registered architect, and the recipient of multiple awards for his work in sustainability.
Assigned session
NABERS Powering Sustainable Finance - money makers the world go green
How is sustainable finance powering our transition to net zero? Hear from a panel of experts as they deep dive into the world of sustainable finance, taxonomies, reporting, the impact it's making and what that means for you.
11:45 AM - 12:40 PM
Stephen Brammer
APAC Net Zero Lead,
He currently extends technical support to JLL's internal clients, including integrated facilities management and premium asset management. Using JLL’s Carbon Pathfinder Platform, Stephen offers insights into building asset operational performance and potential enhancements, emphasising achieving Net Zero Carbon goals.
With an impressive 25-year career as a consulting engineer, Stephen has amassed a wealth of experience. His expertise spans mechanical and fire protection services design, with a comprehensive background in high-rise buildings, Defence, medical, and educational institutions. Stephen's work has involved conducting numerous option studies for clients using cutting-edge technical analysis, enabling innovative design solutions and reducing operational risks, all aimed at meeting Net Zero Carbon targets.
Over the past decade, he has concentrated on portfolio level designing, planning, and executing significant plant upgrades, including chillers, cooling towers, BMS upgrades, tuning, and performance enhancement, focusing on Net Zero Carbon initiatives.
Stephen's commitment to the energy and sustainability industry extends beyond his Net Zero Carbon Lead role. He has actively contributed to professional working committees. He has supported the development of up-to-date energy and sustainability guidelines, particularly related to Net Zero Carbon strategies and goals. His contributions inspire others in the industry to strive for excellence.
Accelerating success - Measuring and managing for a sustainable future
Explore NABERS success stories from businesses of all sizes. Learn strategies for overcoming sustainability challenges in the built environment, uncover insights and inspiration, and takeaway tips for best practice.
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM
Tania Smith
Executive Director Sustainable Finance and ESG, Institutional Client Coverage, Commonwealth Bank Australia
NABERS Powering Sustainable Finance - money makers the world go green
How is sustainable finance powering our transition to net zero? Hear from a panel of experts as they deep dive into the world of sustainable finance, taxonomies, reporting, the impact it's making and what that means for you.
11:45 AM - 12:40 PM
Vass Tzavaras
Director of Engineering Australia,
Frasers Hospitality Australia
Accelerating success - Measuring and managing for a sustainable future
Explore NABERS success stories from businesses of all sizes. Learn strategies for overcoming sustainability challenges in the built environment, uncover insights and inspiration, and takeaway tips for best practice.
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM
Luke Delancey
Director, Climate Action in Government Operations,
Commonwealth Department of Finance
Key policies that are unlocking the door to net zero
This session explores the various policy levers at different levels of government that are driving sustainable outcomes in our built environment.
11:45 AM - 12:40 PM
Anne Martinelli
Senior Policy Officer - Gas Reform, VIC Dept. Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Anne Martinelli is a sustainability strategist with more than 20 years’ experience in sustainable built environment policy and advocacy across the for-purpose and government sectors. Currently with the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, she leads delivery of Victoria’s Gas Substitution Roadmap, which is putting efficiency and electrification at the forefront of efforts to wean Victoria off fossil gas.
Assigned session
Key policies that are unlocking the door to net zero
This session explores the various policy levers at different levels of government that are driving sustainable outcomes in our built environment.
11:45 AM - 12:40 PM
Mara Putnis
Co-director, Commercial Building Disclosure team, Commonwealth DCCEEW
Mara Putnis is a Director in the Commercial Buildings Policy section, within the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The section manages the day-to-day operations of the Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) program, provides policy advice on any amendments to the CBD program, and advises on wider commercial buildings energy performance issues. Mara has worked in other portfolios, primarily in the Victorian Government, prior to taking up her current role in the Energy Group at DCCEEW. She has previous experience in senior policy roles leading legislative reform initiatives.
Assigned Session
Key policies that are unlocking the door to net zero
This session explores the various policy levers at different levels of government that are driving sustainable outcomes in our built environment.
11:45 AM - 12:40 PM
Thomas Hobbs
Design Director Australia,
Henning Larsen
Building for tomorrow - reducing embodied carbon today
Embodied carbon is the future of sustainable building. Uncover the latest insights, trends, and strategies shaping the future of embodied carbon and delve into the realm of low-carbon building design.
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM
Supratik Ghosh
Head of Market Transformation, NABERS
Supra has a background in mechanical engineering and energy systems.
Assigned session
All Electric Buildings
Get charged up about going all-electric! This session showcases practical examples of how buildings are making the switch and discusses the opportunities, challenges and insights on electrification.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Suruchi Pathak
Expansion Lead, NABERS
Suruchi collaborates closely with industry stakeholders and experts to analyse technical data and develop rating benchmarks for new sectors. She has led pilot and training programs designed to introduce new NABERS tools for aged care, warehouses, cold stores, and schools for the industry.
Currently, Suruchi and her team are working on releasing a tool for retail stores this year. With a Bachelor of Architecture and over 17 years of experience in residential and commercial building sustainability, she brings a wealth of expertise to her role.
Assigned Session
All Electric Buildings
Get charged up about going all-electric! This session showcases practical examples of how buildings are making the switch and discusses the opportunities, challenges and insights on electrification.
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
General Information
Q: When is the NABERS + CBD conference?
A: The conference is on Friday 14 June 2024. We hope to see you there either online (from 9:30am – 5:10pm AEST) or in person. For our in-person attendees, registrations will open from 9:00am for a 9:30am start. Networking drinks will follow the event until 6:00pm.
Q: Do I need an invitation to attend?
A: We welcome all guests and it’s free to attend. Register here
Q: Where can I see the agenda?
A: All the information is on our conference website. Information on the agenda is here.
Q: Do I need to download the Attendee App?
A: In-person Guests are encouraged to download the NABERS & CBD Conference Attendee App which allows you to engage with the sessions via Q&A and interactive polls, view the agenda in real-time and keep up to date with live updates. Download App
Q: How much does it cost to attend?
A: The conference is FREE to attend.
Q: Will the conference / presentations be available after the event?
A: Yes, all sessions and presentations will be available on our website after the event.
Q: Who are the conference organisers?
The NABERS + CBD Conference 2024 is held by the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS), a national initiative managed by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and the Commonwealth Government’s Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) program, some of Australia’s leading sustainability initiatives in the built environment.
Q: Do you walk the talk? Is it a sustainable event?
A: We have taken every step to make the conference as sustainable as possible. You can find out more about this on the event website under Sustainability & Accessibility
Attending in person
Q: Where is the conference?
A: The conference is held at Aerial UTS Function Centre located at Building 10, Level 7/235 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007, a 12-minute walk from Central Station. Look out for our welcome sign on entry!
Q: I haven’t registered, can I still attend?
A: As there is limited capacity for the venue, we request that all in person attendees register in advance here:
Q: I can’t attend the event anymore, how do I cancel my registration?
A: Please email
Q: Will food and drinks be provided?
A: Yes, refreshments and lunch will be provided free of charge. All food is vegetarian and dietary requirements will be accommodated.
Q: Is the venue accessible?
A: The venue is fully wheelchair accessible via ramps and lifts and an accessible bathroom is available on site. If you have any questions regarding accessibility requirements, please contact us at
Q: How do I join the conference online?
A: Registrants will be able to login to the conference from the website on the day.
Q: I haven’t registered, can I still join online?
A: Please register via this link, you will then be emailed your login details.
Q: I have registered, but am having trouble logging in?
A: Please contact the Eventsair support team and they will try to solve this issue with you. Contact on or phone 1300 236 848.
Q: I can’t hear the audio / see the presentations online?
A: Please log a ticket via the live support option within the virtual portal, a live support agent will be on hand to assist you.
Still need help! Who do I contact? Contact us at
NABERS and CBD are committed to ensuring our conference is environmentally sustainable and socially responsible.
Here are some of the ways we are embedding sustainable practices into our event:
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Our venue is fully wheelchair accessible via ramps and lifts and an accessible bathroom is available on site.
If you have any questions regarding accessibility requirements, please contact us at
Building 10, Level 7/235 Jones St,
Ultimo NSW 2007
Tel: +61 (02) 9514 1633
Have an enquiry? Drop us a line.